Questions & Answers

Using 1824c as a digital patchbay

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asked Jul 11, 2023 in Studio One 6 by edwardmcmenimon (120 points)
I recently upgraded to the 1824 to gain more ins and outs so I could use as a virtual/digital patchbay.  I have an Axe FXIII and 3 pieces of 500 series gear.    I'd like to be able to record to input one and send it to one, or all of the 500 series preamps/compressors.  No matter what I do it's sending input to all 3 and my AxeFx.  I was also hoping to do some re-amping with the AxeFx, but nothing is isolated, everything is going everywhere.  I triple checked all my connections and I'm 99% sure it's correct.  I was told it was possible when I bought the unit, is that not the case?  I see digital patchbays are a lot more money than this interface was.  

As an example, I have a microphone in input one.  I have a 500 series preamp on output 5. I want to set the output of channel one to output 5, the output of 5 to the main mix, but everything is seeing the signal from output 1.  I'm getting the same behavior using Studio One and Cakewalk.