Questions & Answers

Replace dead Faderport or move on?

0 votes
asked Aug 10, 2023 in FaderPort 2018 by eddiecolmenares (410 points)
edited Aug 10, 2023 by eddiecolmenares
Win 10, Ryzen 8-Core processor, 16G ram, etc

My Faderport (2018) started connecting only intermittently, and now finally is not connecting at all. To preface, I kinda love my little Faderport Single. Just click on a track and get to it.

So I can only assume it's dead now, putting the unit into reset mode does nothing, and there is really nothing to do, since there hasn't been a firmware update in 5 years.

So, buy another, or is the Faderport series pretty much abandoned by Presonus at this point? I do like the new SSL UF1, but 700 bux for that thing is insane... Any other options? Is Presonus planning on anything new?


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 11, 2023 by eddiecolmenares (410 points)

I decided to get the X-Touch One by that company that is not well liked. I would have gotten a newer-model, updated Faderport, but... Presonus. Another benefit is finally uninstalling Universal Control, which has been unreliable at best in recent years.

At least S1 is getting continued updates indecision
