Questions & Answers

Can't update firmware on EarMix 16M.

+2 votes
asked Aug 31, 2023 in EarMix 16M by StevePedulla (140 points)
I'm trying to update the firmware on my EarMix 16M but having no luck.   The update screen keeps quitting before it completes.   Ive tried different ethernet cables and restarts but still no luck.  The network light remains green when connected to the the AVB and 32R.  And when I hardwire the Earmix to my iMac to update it the updater fails like I said.  

Using Mac Ventura, Universal Control Version

1 Answer

–1 vote
answered Oct 27, 2023 by lindacrispell (120 points)
I found you have to disable the wifi or internet so that the Universal Control firmware update program will function. You only want the EarMix device connected, you do not want a connection to the internet to confuse the program.