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Please help!!!!Studio one V6 not recording apollo twin x input!!!!!

0 votes
asked Sep 2, 2023 in Studio One 6 by mohammedkenawy (120 points)
Just purchased Apollos twin x to use on my mac air m1, for some reason when I record my vocals/guitar studio one doesn’t record console output and the audio recorded is not what I am hearing in monitoring. I made sure I have the right I/O setting and UAD console  record turned on to record my vocal chain I dialed in.

Whenever I hear the palyback I could barely hear my vocals! Same problem with guitars, it seems like studio one in not picking up console signal.

I tried Luna and everything was fine what I hear in monitoring is what gets recorded.

1 Answer

–1 vote
answered Dec 21, 2023 by carlostrevino2 (120 points)
Try.          Go to privacy and security   In your mac.       And make sure.  Acces to microphone  is on -  for sudioone.