Questions & Answers

CS18AI - Any possible advice as to why my iPhone connected to Line 3/4 in the rear of the unit would not be working

0 votes
asked May 15, 2016 in StudioLive CS18Ai by michaelmontag (150 points)
I've connected my iPhone to the Line 3/4 1/4" jacks to have a FOH playback.  I know the cords work when plugged directly into the speakers, so it's not that.  I get no output when I adjust the Digital Return fader that these connections work with.  Anyone know what I am doing wrong?
commented May 16, 2016 by PreSonuSales2 (68,140 points)
Can you clarify how you're sending audio to your speakers from your CS18AI? This may assist someone in being able to answer your question.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 1, 2016 by lancelyons (970 points)
selected Sep 18, 2019 by jonnydoyle
Best answer
I just got this working, and well I might add.   Four quick questions.

Is there an AVB switch between the CS18AI and the RM (16/32) unit?  Using headphones, mic 1\2 and lines 3\4 require a AVB switch.  I am using a MOTU switch.

Press the UCnet button - is the CS18AI registered to the RM (16/32) unit?   I assume you already have done this, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

Have you moved the digital line return fader up (press the RETURNS button - that fader should be marked 'digital' on one of the scribble strips)?   The inputs marked 3 and 4 are sent via a digital return to the RM (16/32) through the AVB network.

Is the iPhone output all the way up?  I am using a 6S and for this device,  I raise the volume to max.  You may want to be very careful - and have the dgital return fader off when you start a song, then raise it slowly - my results may be very different than yours.

Have you updated the firmware on the CS18AI, RM (16/32) and AVB switch so that each is current?   

0 votes
answered Sep 18, 2019 by sophiapage (140 points)

After connecting this I am facing some issue on my iTunes. My iTunes is asking for verification again and again. I have verified all these properly again it is showing iTunes verification failed. I am looking for the proper solution. 

commented Sep 18, 2019 by jonnydoyle (403,780 points)
This would be a questions for Apple to answer.