Questions & Answers

Can I use the Presonus StudioLive CS18AI as a DAW controller with Ableton Live 9?

+6 votes
asked Jan 24, 2018 in StudioLive CS18Ai by dieterkuhn (210 points)


I have Ableton Live 9 on a Windows 10 computer. Can I use the Presonus StudioLive CS18AI as a DAW controller? Can I connect the two devices with a USB or network cable? What will work and what not?

Thank you for an answer.


4 Answers

+2 votes
answered Mar 27, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer
No. CS18Ai only works with Studio One as it has native support.

Ableton would require that the CS18Ai support MCU / HUI which would be a feature request.
+8 votes
answered Apr 25, 2018 by OzAmaro (1,400 points)
Right, cause its only been asked a million times by every CS18ai owner. Still, Presonus has the attitude that you would have to ask for that as a "feature request" because.....hell man who would not want to spend 1200.00 on a 16ch brick that can only talk to Studio One and God....LOL....

I bought 3 RM32's and 2 CS18AI's when they came out. Presonus promised the world when they cam out......I even asked this question of Ray at the NAMM show and he pretty much said there's no real priority for it now. Hey think if you think it won't leave a mark on your're dollars mistaken.
+3 votes
answered Feb 24, 2019 by christhomas15 (2,780 points)
If every cs18ai owner would vote for Mcu Hui support on the feature page we would get it. But we have to come together to give that a push
+2 votes
answered Mar 10, 2019 by maconsultant (380 points)
I asked this question of Presonus and they said in a upcoming firmware. Now it seems they have abandoned us after taking our money of course. Super bad business!