Questions & Answers

How do I get VST to work with my keyboard?

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asked Nov 20, 2023 in MyPreSonus Questions by bshaver68 (160 points)
Hi. I am at a loss finding out how to get Studio One VSTs to work with my Roland keyboard. After reading through forums, watching videos, and reading articles, I am pretty sure that my keyboard is set up correctly. Yes, I can use my keyboard sounds to record and can use the VSTs with a mouse; however, when I use my keyboard the VST instruments do nothing. Has anyone else run into this issue?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 22, 2023 by bshaver68 (160 points)

UPDATE: I have given Ableton a shot. Works like a charm and no issues playing their VST options from my synthesizer. After being in bed with PreSonus for 15 years, it is time to change partners. laugh
