Questions & Answers

Digital Patching - Input Patch is not correctly handling TB-channel

+1 vote
asked Dec 12, 2023 in UC Surface / Qmix by matsfahln (170 points)

This was written as an answer to a question about TB-channel resetting when the mixer restarts:

I noticed the same but when I tested, it seems that the mixer actually keeps the TB-channel after reset, but the Universal Control application resets its display of TB-channel in the Digital Patching - Input Patch view. I run Universal Control on PC and iPad at the same time and changes of TB-channel on PC is not reflected on my iPad (and vice versa). When I restart either Universal Control instance, the display shows channel 1 as TB-channel but in fact the mixer stays at what I previously selected (channel 12 in my case).

Clearly a bug in Universal Control. I use version:


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 20, 2023 by rowanhensley (1,170 points)
I also tested this, and I had the same results. It's a very confusing bug, but thankfully it doesn't effect the mixer's operation.