Questions & Answers

Soundeditor for external Synthesizers as NoteFX

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asked Jan 3, 2024 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by simon-f (120 points)

I mainly work with VST plug-ins in Studio One and produce my music entirely on the computer. However, I also have external synthesizers, such as a Yamaha AN1x or the new ********* JT-4000.
I loop these devices into the DAW via my SL32 and can work with them quite comfortably. However, I miss a nice sound editor for the AN1x, for example. The JT-4000 is also not comfortable to use.
So my question is, can't you implement appropriate editors for external MIDI devices, such as synths, as NoteFX???? Wouldn't that be a very cool feature to implement such NoteFX for SO?????
