Questions & Answers

Hold or repeat function for the Repeater noteFX so it can keep repeating the sequence.

+14 votes
asked Sep 30, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by LBH (4,380 points)
Hold or repeat function for the Repeater noteFX so it can keep repeating the sequence.
The Arpeggio noteFX has one.

Alternatively a new noteFX step sequencer with a hold function could be an option.
Overlapping gates like in the Repeater would be very good.

6 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 11, 2016 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
Best answer

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+1 vote
answered Oct 1, 2016 by LBH (4,380 points)
WIth hold i mean hold like it keep playing when keys is released.. So it need to loop and also to be able to hold like this.
0 votes
answered Oct 26, 2016 by Michael1985 (13,040 points)
The arpeggiator plays with chords, the repeater is tied to single notes. but yes the repeater has these functions I miss in the arpeggiator, why it is jst within the repeater I dont understand...

but i gave 1 up :)
0 votes
answered Dec 8, 2016 by LBH (4,380 points)
edited Dec 8, 2016 by LBH
A little more explanation.

To me the Repeater Note FX could be a great step sequencer with notes based relative to the notes played with advanced gate possibilities to make each note shorter or longer is it just had a loop feature instead of just playing one time and stop.
A hold feature could be very nice for "live" and improvisation purposses.
This would also be a alternative arpeggiator.
0 votes
answered Dec 9, 2016 by Michael1985 (13,040 points)
I have already voted for this and other threads of you!

yes this is maybe exactly the same idea as mine!

because we are right, that the repeater is a very good step sequencer with some tweaks!

hopefully one of both have enough success to get many votes!
0 votes
answered Jun 25, 2019 by ptermzesmerl (170 points)
I bought S1V4 yesterday evening. Today is the first day I’m exploring it. I found this request because I was wondering if it’s possible, and I googled for it.

Yes, it would be awesome. I could skip using Cream or other 3rd party sequencers. (I think Cream just made S1 crash).

I hope this loop will be implemented. It would be also great to drag and drop the sequence as a midi item to any track from the Repeater. Fortunately, I could record it with two clicks but the looping is missing for real.