Questions & Answers

Allow crescendos, diminuendos and dynamics (pp,ff) to be processed on score view using EWQL OPUS

+16 votes
asked Jul 14, 2021 in Score Editor by leandrononatomartins (930 points)
To everyone who works using OPUS vst from EWQL alongside STUDIO ONE 5.0.3: While writing something on score view, studio one does not recognize the dynamics, for example ppp, fff or crescendos and decrescendos hairpins. Everything plays at the same dynamic range.

The OPUS vst uses the CC11 (expression) to draw the dynamic range but unfortunately it is needed to draw the expression curves manually. It would be great if SO had the option of changing how to process dynamics from velocity to CC11 by reading the proper markings on the sheet music, like pp, <, >, ff and more.

3 Answers

+2 votes
answered Mar 25, 2023 by frankaiello1 (270 points)
This 100000 percent needs to be added. Would help me greatly.
0 votes
answered Jun 6 by alejandrocorts1 (350 points)
I need this so much! I hope the Studio1 team is listening.
+1 vote
answered Jun 21 by robertodicorato (1,380 points)
In my opinion, Studio One should implement all of Notion 6's playback options, including customized rules for interpreting any written mark. This is to allow any CC to be routed to any parameter of any plug-in...