Questions & Answers

Using a touch screen with Studio One Remote on Windows

0 votes
asked Mar 7 in Look and Feel by briancollins11 (310 points)
edited Mar 7 by briancollins11

My three-screen Windows setup includes one touch screen. I would like to use this, preferably with the Studio One Remote application, which has a very touch-friendly UI. Failing that, I would detach the mixer to that screen, though its UI is much more fiddly.

But the reliable implementation of touch on screens is fairly random.

  • The Studio One UI does not recognize touch at all, though other postings suggest that sometimes it can - see (e.g.)
  • Studio One Remote on the main PC looks fine, but without touch - I can only operate it via the mouse.
  • Studio One Remote on my separate Microsoft Surface device works perfectly, which shows that native use of touch on Windows *is* possible.
  • Studio One Remote for Android, running under Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA) on the main PC also works and supports touch. But setting this up is not for the faint-hearted. And Microsoft have announced that WSA will be discontinued next year.

So is there any reason why Studio One Remote supports touch on my Microsoft Surface, but not on the external screen of my main PC? Can this be fixed or configured to work?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 7 by kaersdafes (140 points) 1 flag

Thanks for the information i also have seen on this for tooth.

0 votes
answered Jun 4 by sdgsdgsdsdgsdfhd (360 points)

Remote work allows employees to design their work schedules around their personal lives, leading to a better work-life balance link. This flexibility can accommodate personal commitments, such as childcare or hobbies, without compromising work responsibilities
