Questions & Answers

CoreMIDI crashes with GarageBand and Firepod

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asked Mar 13, 2024 in MyPreSonus Questions by MikeKhoury (120 points)

Hello Friends,

I have an old MacBook (mid-2009) that I modified with a 2 TB SSD, 2.13 GHz intel core 2 duo, and 6 GB of memory. I'm running the OS of 10.10.5 (Yosemite) and using Garage Band 10.1.6. I've got a Presonus FIREPOD using firewire. Please don't tell me to upgrade as I'll have to buy new hardware. I have a couple problems:

1)I get an error message when I start and quit Gargeband stating: "CoreMIDI quit unexpectedly while using the [Unknown Bundle] plug-in. This error started after I updated the Firmware on my Presonus FIREPOD, effectively making it a Presonus FP10.

2) Every time I open Garageband, I get a notice stating that "Garageband wants to install your download of instruments and sounds". When I click Install Software, I get a message saying "Required Software extensions are missing". If I click OK, I will be transferred to the PACE web site and an installer will be downloaded. This seems weird.

I have no MIDI devices connected nor have I ever. Any help would be welcome.

