Questions & Answers

How do you connect to SC 32 mixers together to replicate each other?

0 votes
asked Mar 17 in StudioLive Series III by John Knight (120 points)
edited Mar 18 by John Knight
How do you connect to SC 32 mixers together to replicate each other? We would like to put one at the front of the church one at the back of the church with a network cable connecting them.

I basically want to run them from either location. The same way the UC control works.

1 Answer

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answered Mar 18 by robertweston2 (10,480 points)
The consoles can be connected together through networking equipment, however, what is it that you trying to do?  From your question, the way you think the consoles communicate is not the way they are used.  

What are you needing to accomplish with the consoles networked together?