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Need Native Studio One Sample Manager Plugin/Browser similar to ADSR Sample Manager Plugin

0 votes
asked Apr 3, 2024 in Studio One 6 by sakshymhustoo (1,000 points)
Been producing for 10 years+ now and have collected hundreds of GB's of samples through sample packs and recordings. I used studio one inbuilt navigation in start but not gonna lie, this part of the software is pathetic cause its not at all easy to find things.

I started using adsr sample manager and what a breeze, all my sample packs and stuff is at the tip of my fingers. Its not a very hard plugin to make, i request presonus to make a native inbuilt plugin similar to ADSR sample manager which i can use for my sample packs library and ditch ADSR as i love presonus ( cause they always listen to their people )

So guys please upvote cause everybody uses samples and optimizing them is a big chore without plugins like ADSR.