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Global macro controls editor, macro editor enhancements and general macro controls upgrade feature request.

+12 votes
asked Apr 15, 2024 in Mixing by angelangeles (1,970 points)

The channel editor has been untouched for a long time and it needs new updates. 

  • Add global macro controls / editor just for the song page just like how it is in the show page. This will allow us to control multiple channels, sends, panning, volume and plugins within those channels at once with a single knob or fader.
  • Precise value input for the vector / curve editor. Allow us to double click nodes an enter specific values rather than just relying on a mouse. 
  • Other shapes options for the vector / curve editor like ability to add nodes, choose shapes like sine, saw, square, triangle, etc., and freeform.
  • LFO modulation for parameters so we can automate plugins using LFOs. 

This will make a lot of producers happy!
