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S1 Feature Request : Global Read, Write, Touch & Latch Buttons

+5 votes
asked Nov 29, 2022 in Mixing by princeagrawal (13,780 points)

Please add automation buttons to globally Turn On/Off Read, Write, Touch & Latch modes for all channels and/or Tracks. 

  • The Global Read button should Activate/Deactivate automation follow for all tracks/channels globally in the song
  • Only one of the three - Global Write/Touch/Latch buttons should be selectable at a time and it should turn on/off that automation writing mode for all tracks/channels globally.   

Similar to what studio one has for Global Solo and Mute

This would be such a time saver while mixing, as we wouldn't have to select the automation mode of each channel/track individually, when such a situation arises where you first write the automation to all tracks and then put them on read and have the ability to turn that on/off globally in one click would be so invaluable. 

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