Questions & Answers

Why does a single track get muted when exporting a song to a project?

0 votes
asked Apr 19 in Studio One 6 by AllanDavisson (120 points)
I have successfully exported songs to a project before, including the song i'm trying to export now.  I have 3 midi tracks.  they are all unmuted when i export to a project. Project page opens and exporting appears to be successful.  After it's done exporting, i notice that one of the tracks did not export with the others.  When i go back into the song, that track is muted.  I unmute and try again - same result.  Can't figure it out, but i am no expert at studio one.  Very novice and have only been using for a couple of months.  Any help would be appreciated.

1 Answer

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answered Apr 24 by tothrec (32,280 points)
By "export" are you "updating master" (Ctrl Shift U) or just exporting a WAV file?

Either way, what you hear during playback should be the same as what gets exported/mixed.

What you are describing sounds more like what is done when you bounce/transform an instrument track into an audio track.