Questions & Answers

Transforming multiple events

+2 votes
asked May 18 in MIDI Editing by stefan_lupp (960 points)
Coming from Logic there are a few things I´m missing in S1. One of them is the "transform" page.

F.e.: I want to delete certain controller data in my whole project (let´s say CC 005). In S1 I need look into every midi region if it contains CC 005 and delete it. In Logic I select all regions in the main window, open the "transform" page, prepared "CC 005 - delete" and it was done for every CC 005 data in the whole selection with one click. This can be done to change all CC 005 into CC121 or into any other controller and a lot more too. It was a HUGE time saver !

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 19 by colinotoole (16,790 points)
Sounds a really good feature, that.