Questions & Answers

Save Atom SQ settings and assignments as presets

+5 votes
asked May 12, 2021 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by tomslowcat (3,640 points)
edited May 13, 2021 by tomslowcat

There should really be a preset management system for saving/recalling Atom SQ's settings and User knob/button assignments so that you don't have to have to reassign them every time you start a new Song.

Yes, I know you can save Song templates with them, but that's merely a crude workaround. What about old sessions? What if you want to, for instance, have a set of functions when you are composing/arranging, then quickly switch to another set of functions for mixing.

EDIT: you can't even do that actually. As far as I can see, as soon as you close S1, ATOM SQ reverts its User commands back to default. Am I missing something or is this a rather serious bug/design omission?
