Questions & Answers

Record Arm Tracks One At A Time - Disable Latch Record Setting

+3 votes
asked Jun 12 in Recording by lucasmessore (460 points)

Does anybody know if it is possible to record enable tracks one at a time? It seems like S1 uses latch record by default. In Ableton Live for instance, tracks are record enabled or record "armed" on a one-at-a-time basis unless you hold command or have multiple tracks selected.

In Pro Tools there's a setting that allows you to enable or disable "Latch Record". That way if you record tracks one at a time you can disable it. And if you have a session recording multiple tracks you can enable latch record.

I tried to create a macro to do this but am not sure if it's possible. I know that you can Option+Click a record arm button and it will disable record on all other tracks and just arm that one track.

It's a minor gripe but would love to have a setting to enable/disable latch record. As well as a dedicated keyboard shortcut to record arm only the selected track and disarm all other tracks. This would help a lot of people switching over from Ableton and Pro Tools. Let me know if you have a workaround for this!

Thank you!

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 18 by romaindescampe (3,790 points)
This would be very nice indeed!

When working on big session (orchestral etc...) you often record twice by mistake if you don't remember to "de-arm" a track somewhere in the session so that option would be welcome.
0 votes
answered Jul 18 by egilfranzen (210 points)
Yes this would be great as an option!!!