Questions & Answers

Not hearing the metronome

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asked Jun 19, 2024 in Studio One 5 by chrisbrown16 (120 points)
The metronome is no longer heard when enabled in my projects. I have enabled it for play and record in the lower toolbar, the volume settings have been checked, the listen and master bus have the metronome engaged and turned up, I have tried selecting different metronome sounds, and still have no click. Rendering the metronome click as an audio file is my current work around since that still works, but this is an inconvenience when it is contributing to clipping the master bus, or when I want to apply tempo changes after the click has been rendered. This issue began in the middle of working on an open project - I had stepped away from the computer for a lunch break, and when I returned, no metronome click. This makes the problem even more confusing. I have tried restarting the program, opening different (older) projects, but the metronome continues to be silent. I am hesitant to reinstall the program, but will do that next if necessary, since this is causing so much trouble at the moment. I'm on a Windows 10 system using Studio One 5 Professional. I have read of other users having this issue online, but no recommendations solved the issue in the threads I came across.
related to an answer for: Metronome problems.