Questions & Answers

How to remedy "Drive Full" on my studio one

0 votes
asked Jul 12 in Studio One 6 by johnscott35 (150 points)
I'm trying to record on studio one and it keeps telling me "drive full" and shows "drive full" "record max" at the botom. How do I clean this up so I can have enough space to record a song?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jul 13 by RomanHenry4723 (460 points)
selected Jul 17 by mackjohnson1
Best answer

If you're encountering a "drive full" error in Studio One while trying to record, it means the drive where you're recording is either full or nearly full. To resolve this, check the available space on the drive and free up storage by deleting unnecessary files or moving them to an external drive. You can also change your recording location to a drive with more space in Studio One's settings. Monitoring disk usage while recording can help prevent the error from reoccurring. While recording a song I will suggest you play Milky Way gaming, this game offers relaxation and motivation to work through its user-friendly interface. Download milky way 777 apk latest version.
