Questions & Answers

Connecting Kork monotron Duo no signal

0 votes
asked Aug 11 in Studio One 6 by jonnyc105 (230 points)
I have plugged a Korg monotron duo into Presonus Audio box with headphone jack from the Duo into the 1/4 inch jack input. I can hear it when I press the direct input button but there is no signal going into Studio 1. I'm definitely using the right input (R2) on the audio options on studio 1. Any idea why there's no signal? The input works fine with guitar and bass plugged into the same input

1 Answer

+2 votes
answered Aug 11 by jonnyc105 (230 points)
selected Aug 15 by mackjohnson1
Best answer
Never mind, read the manual (should have done in the first place) and the iOne doesn't support line input only instruments. Oh well...