Questions & Answers

Consolidation feature

+11 votes
asked Jun 7, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by dark7string (1,200 points)
A lot of times I will prep my mixes by rendering the toms down to 1 stereo track, or the 3 vocal tracks into 1 mono track. It would be awesome to be able to highlight the desired tracks to consolidate, and right click on them and select consolidate to mono track or consolidate to stereo track. Basically in the same way that we can currently convert into rendered audio with plugins on it. After it Consolidates the other tracks are automatically removed. Perhaps even giving them a special recall location too in the event you need to go back again to tweak something. The current way of doing it where you use bouncing and then head over into the folder to "merge them as a stereo track is not super productive and I normally resort to making a bus to stem render from where I can control mono or stereo easier.

1 Answer

+2 votes
answered Jun 7, 2016 by MarkyGoldstein (6,940 points)

Perhaps even giving them a special recall location too in the event you need to go back again to tweak something.

That's the interesting point. From here we can develop many good ideas.
