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Feature request: Automatic per track DI capture

+2 votes
asked Jan 13, 2024 in Studio One+ Feature Requests by Bacco (220 points)

The feature I am requesting is automatically maintaining a DI track for every audio track. The benefit is to streamline workflows that use DI tracks for re-amping later. I envision the following workflow:

  • Every audio track has a separate DI input setting (global and per track) so that every time I create a new track there is an implicit, hidden but accessible DI track.
    • The DI track follows the main tracks 'R' but users must manually activate 'S', 'U', and 'M' where 'M' is engaged by default. In other words, the DI track is visually and aurally transparent by default.
  • The DI track follows all of the same edits of the main audio track, e.g., splicing, fades, gaining, etc. This is similar to how shared or ghost copies work, but across tracks.
    • This is my main pain-point when working with DI tracks. My current workflow requires two separate armed tracks, one for the DI and the other with the amp/effects. When I am capturing ideas and demoing songs I frequently edit the amp track and the DI track gets out of sync very quickly. 
  • When I want to re-amp I follow the normal steps by assigning the DI to an output and arming a landing track. 
Depending on how automated and streamlined this feature could be, there is opportunity to offer re-amping as a first class citizen where the user selects the track they want to re-amp, clicks "re-amp", and the DAW supplies the output track in a bin and the track can be drag n dropped anywhere. There would be some one-time setup to enable this but currently that setup has to occur per track. 

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jan 13, 2024 by GTRtice (4,930 points)
This is an especially good idea. Bit hard (for me, at least) to follow the full explanation but an auto-tracked DI recording that follows all edits is super smart. Wouldn't surprise me if there was some roundabout way to do this already, either way I too would love to see this as a dedicated feature.
0 votes
answered May 5, 2024 by viccapota (1,100 points)

This is an extremely important feature needed and similar to the request I just made if you can please check my feature request thread: " Can there be a DI feed routed off the input channel in parallel before Ampire Placed on Input aux?  "

Maybe the option to select it or not would be ideal which I think you outlined if I am reading correctly.
