Questions & Answers

Saved plugin FX chain disappearing!?!

0 votes
asked Aug 9, 2016 in Studio One 3 by johanlund1 (210 points)

I have a problem with plugin FX chain preset that I have made and saved accordingly, suddenly disappears from the list when I try and load it in a new song/project. It's not the same chain, it's random chains that suddenly isn't there anymore. Which makes me have to close the project I'm working in, go back to a previous project, save the FX chain again, go back to the one I was working in, and then load it. Extremely frustrating and a creative block!

Am I doing something wrong and what can I do to stop this from happening??



Studio One OSX x64 (Built on Jun  8 2016)

MacBook Pro

2,2 GHz Intel Core i7

16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 17, 2017 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)
Best answer
That shouldn't be happening, as you suggest.   Make sure you refresh the browser after creating presets to see if the presets aren't being written or maybe just not yet listing without refreshing.

If that continues to happen please make a support ticket and attach a small video showing it happening in real time if you can.

If this is a recurring and annoying issue for you I'm sure they can help you to sort it out.