Questions & Answers

Audiobox 1818vsl not playing back input from microphone

0 votes
asked Aug 9, 2016 in AudioBox USB by linak (120 points)

I'm using AudioBox 1818VSL on a Windows 7 laptop to record voice using a dynamic microphone. Both mic and headphones are connected to the soundcard but all I can hear in is very faint noise. When I open AudioBox, all the channels seem to be getting a signal (bars for input 1-8 as well as Phones and Main are jumping slightly up and down) and tapping or speaking into the microphone does not affect the signal at all. It makes no difference whether I unplug the mic and plug it into another input, or turn the knobs on the soundcard.

Some more details:

  • Headphones and mic worked fine with another soundcard
  • Audiobox drivers were downloaded from the Presonus website (we did not receive an installation cd)
  • Audiobox is connected to a USB 2.0 port (same port that was used during installation)
  • I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Audiobox in a different USB port using these instructions:
  • The USB sync light on the soundcard is illuminated blue, indicating that the soundcard is properly synced with the computer
  • I have tried installing the soundcard on a different laptop, but still having the same problem
I appreciate any advice on how to solve this issue!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 22, 2016 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
The AudioBox VSL software is a virtual version of the StudioLive Mixer, you'll need to send the audio coming into those channels to the audio bus outputs you want to hear them on.

There are left to right sliders on each channel input that you can use to assign your output bus.

The headphone is on the Output 7/8 bus.

You can also open your DAW like Studio One and select the 1818VSL in the New Song setup to hear audio through the DAW.

I would strongly suggest reading the AudioBox 1818VSL user guide found on the download page to learn more about how to use the AudioBox VSL software.