Questions & Answers

Studio One to remain OPEN when closing songs

+2 votes
asked Aug 9, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by dllmusic (590 points)
I would like Studio One to remain OPEN when closing songs using the red x button...
...It should be the same as when closing using command-W: Studio One remains open.

2 Answers

–2 votes
answered Aug 16, 2016 by GLJones (1,020 points)
You can use File > Close Window

The Red X is close program across all OS X software if they follow Apple's guidelines.
0 votes
answered Aug 22, 2016 by dllmusic (590 points)

(to GLJones) said....

"The Red X is close program across all OS X software if they follow Apple's guidelines".

?? (Apple) Safari, (Apple) Numbers and many others don't follow Apple's guidelines??....

...It is NOT always the case... 
