Questions & Answers

Vocalign Project Crashes Studio One 3 Pro on opening.

+2 votes
asked Oct 9, 2016 in Studio One 3 by cleverbuggerray (250 points)
I Purchased and downloaded Vocaline Project.

Installed it on my Mac with Studio One 3 Pro which was up to date as of yesterday 9.10.16

It comes up as being Authorised on my ilok.

However, now i can not open Studio One 3 Pro. In the opening window it scans for new plugins, says it is Assigning VST 3 Vocalalign (or something like that as it only flashes for a second) then the Program crashes out and will not open.

Please Help.

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 11, 2016 by cleverbuggerray (250 points)
selected Oct 11, 2016 by cleverbuggerray
Best answer
OK It seems that the problem lies with the VST3 version of Vocalign.

As such once it has registered on the ilok etc, remove the VST3 plugin as mentioned before.

Then go to the Synchro Arts download page and download and instal the AU (Audio Unit Version) not the VST3 version of vocal align.

Then it should run as an AU not a VST3.

The download page is:

Hope that helps
0 votes
answered Oct 10, 2016 by jonathanleary (150 points)
i don't have an answer cause I'm having the SAME ISSUE! Just purchased this same plugin...  this is ridiculous and I've lost hours of actually working because of it! someone please help us! PLEASE

im not happy
0 votes
answered Oct 10, 2016 by cleverbuggerray (250 points)
Hi There. I have the same problem and suffered some anxiety and down time whilst not being able to open Studio One 3 after installing Vocalign Project. Despite following all the steps with ilok etc it just would not work and kept crashing Studio One at start up.

The only way I could get Studio One back going again was to manually delete the plug in itself. On Mac this meant to: HD/Library/Audio/Plugins/VST3 and then manually dragging the vocalign plugin into the trash. Then when I restarted Studio One away it went.

Not happy though. No reply from my Question to Presonus Support and no offer or a refund for a plug in that clearly does not work.

Anyway hope that helps get you up and running again.

0 votes
answered Aug 9, 2017 by lansonorizacion (140 points)
Hello, way audio unit version and not ARA ???