Questions & Answers

How can I setup my Firestudio Project Interface to see it next to my Faderport in the new Universal Control software ?

+1 vote
asked Dec 29, 2016 in FaderPort 8 by jozebass (170 points)
Windows 10 Pro 64

Universal Control 1.8.3

Firestudio Project / Faderport 8

I had to update the UC software in order to make the faderport 8 work, but now I cannot see my audio interface setup. Any solution to come in the next patch ?

I also have a friend with a StudioLive 16.4.2 mixer, that mean I won't be able to see it's interface if I install the faderport 8 driver on his pc too ?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jan 1, 2017 by paulclarke2 (27,400 points)
Best answer
Your FireStudio Project will not show up in UC 1.8.3

You will need to install UC 1.7.4 for your FireStudio Project to function. Both UC 1.7.4 & 1.8.3 can be installed side by side. There will be a separate Universal Control application installed for the FireStudio.

The StudioLive 16.4.2 AI will show up in and utilize the full functionality of the Universal Control app in UC 1.8.3.