Questions & Answers

In Studio One v3, is it possible to map individual tracks to a Faderport 8?

0 votes
asked Jan 22, 2017 in Studio One 3 by Dave_Pep (150 points)
I am looking into buying a Faderport 8 and was wondering if it is possible in Studio One v3.3.3, to map a selection of tracks to be controlled by the same "bank" on the Faderport 8, e.g. tracks 1, 2, 17, 23 and 35, to Faderport channel strips 1-5 without shuffling the tracks around so they are all to be adjacent in the same controllable Faderport 8 "bank"?

It would not be a deal breaker if it is not possible, but I am curious to know if it is feasible?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 26, 2017 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)
Best answer
Hi Dave,

A user has produced a nice series of videos on the Faderport 8 which might answer a lot of your questions.  Part one is linked below and the series should list in YouTube.
