Questions & Answers

Is it possible to export the parts between markers to the mastering session as individual tracks?

+6 votes
asked Dec 6, 2018 in Mastering by ericschleinitz (180 points)
I am not an expert on this but i was wondering if it would be possible to get the areas between some markers(not just start and end ) in a song session to the mastering session as individual tracks. I do some music for video game soundtracks and it would be really helpful for checking if some looped sequences worked. Until now i had to bounce it between the markers as mixdown and import the mixdown files into the mastering session.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 6, 2019 by alexdubinin (140 points)
I too am trying to select just one track of a multis track creation, and would like to know how to correctly

select and place markers for a specific start and stop points. When I did this at first my result was only seeing

a 7 sec selection by the export mixdown process. Even though I see the full time duration being loaded down.
0 votes
answered Jun 11, 2022 by michaelupchurch (440 points)
I really need this as well.  My band (and others I record) want to do live projects.  I don't want to start a song for every change.  Just a session of 4-8 songs with markers designating the start and end of the song and name.  It would save me an incredible amount of time if I could import these into a project as separate 'songs'.  

I did find a work around to import one section into a project.  Just move the start and end marker to the song/section you want and import to the project.  The project software will think the only thing you want is between the start and end markers.  This lets you at least pluck out a section of a session and work on it back and forth between song and project; just don't move the start and end markers until you are finished.