Questions & Answers

Problemes with audio and instrumet recording

+1 vote
asked Mar 19, 2017 in Studio One 3 by peterhansson3 (130 points)

Hi I have a problem in studio one 3 Artist. When i start recording an instrument track there is sound then i add a audio track recording then when i listen to it the instrument track is mute there is a signal that there is somthing recorded on that track but no sound The audio recording sounds fine.What do i wrong? And no i dont have the mute button on :) Peter....

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Mar 19, 2017 by gadget69 (31,130 points)
There is a number of things that could be wrong from your audio IO setup and routing to as simple as not monitoring the track, I would like to introduce you to the Home Studio Trainer, and here is a couple of recording a song from start ton finish that might give you a head start.

There are TONS of video's here in thew Presonus pages and on the web, simple keyword searches will elicit bunches.