Questions & Answers

Why might I have significant lag using ipad SL Remote?

0 votes
asked Mar 28, 2017 in UC Surface / Qmix by geodavis11 (120 points)
We have a studiolive 24.4.2 mixer connected via firewire to a Macbook Pro running OS X El Capitan v10.11.6. We run wirelessly to connect ipads and iphones using a TP LINK Dual Band router. Everything is up to date, latest versions.

We have been having trouble at different points with the SL Remote. This past week, almost at the end of our service, the wireless devices started lagging significantly (30 seconds) so that they were unusable. We had this issue before and thought it was a router issue (previously owned Airport Express). However, we purchased a new router and am still having the problems. What might be the cause?

Other info: before, the router was not working from the start with the Airport Express. After the router change, it is odd that it started working for awhile, but then all of sudden started lagging after some time of use.

1 Answer

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answered Mar 28, 2017 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)

Don't know if his helps, but "everything is up to date, latest versions" might be a problem. This is the "latest and greatest" for the legacy boards:

Universal Control 1.7.4 (v5773)

Universal Control 1.7.4 includes drivers and control panels for the following products:
* StudioLive 24.4.2 (Launch Window, Virtual StudioLive, Driver)

StudioLive firmware and build information:
* 24.4.2: Firmware Version  1.0, build  195

Driver Version:

Universal Control Build:
* Mac/PC: 5773

Current App versions compatible with this Universal Control release:
* SL Remote 1.5 for iPad
* QMix 1.3 for iPhone and iPod Touch

It is important to use matching firmware and software versions. Here is the link to the download page of SL 24.4.2: There are problems reported with the latest iOS for iPhones, so it also might be worth to contact PreSonus' support.
