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Studio 192 won't work with Cubase 9

0 votes
asked Apr 5, 2017 in Studio 192 USB 3.0 Interfaces by davidberube (200 points)
Hi, today I baught a brand new Studio 192 with the Digimax DP88.  I have a Macbook Pro(mid 2012) Sierra 10.12.14, 16Gb ram, 2,5Ghz Intel core i5, USB 3.0 and I use Cubase 9, all of that with todays latest update.  The Studio 192 is also update to the latest firmware v.1.6-35.  I have 2 issues.  

The first one is I am not able to make them talk togheter.  I linked the Studio 192  and the DP88 with an ADAT cable and the Universal Control software dosen't seem to recongnize it.  When I select the adat option under the "clock source" it won't stay to adat and it goes back to "internal".  I plugged it as it was explain in the Presonus forum and like the drawing in the manual.  Also, the manual dosen't say very much about how I shuld plug all that together and troubleshoot it.

Second issue, the Studio 192 does appear in Cubase 9.  I can also assign all of my inputs and outputs like I want, but Cubase won't receive or give out any signal (I also write to Steinberg about it).  I try also to hit the bypass button in Universal Control but nothing positive happen.

I spended almost a full day at it, and I can't afford (in time) searching around the internet and I am really exhausted about it.  I do have a deadline for a live project and I hope you can get back asap.  

Thank you

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 6, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer
Open Universal Control, select the Cogwheel in the upper right corner to go to settings page and select "Mixer Bypass"

Then all I/O in Studio 192 will be available to Cubase.

Only Studio One 3.1 (or higher) will bypass the mixer application in Universal Control automatically.

All other DAWs must do this manually.

As an alternative, you can Uninstall Universal Control entirely and use the Studio 192 as a class compliant USB interface and your DAW will see all I/O just fine. You can then UC to install firmware updates and to route audio to the mix outputs of your choice for iTunes, YouTube, etc. Otherwise you can use Audio MIDI Setup to assign the default outputs you want to route your system audio to.