Questions & Answers

How to Edit The Changing Dynamic of one note?

0 votes
asked May 1, 2017 in Notion by haroldli (230 points)

The score of Un ballo in maschera ​is in the Notion Score Library, and when I play the score, it can be easily found that the Cello solo part has obvious dynamic changing in one note. There is no any symbol or anything can indicate the change. I have tried to delete the velocity, but nothing changed. So what is this function?

1 Answer

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answered May 4, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer
If you are just trying to change the volume for one particular note, you will want to use the sequencer overlay function to view/change velocities.  Here is what you can do:

1.  Press "Tab" on your computer keyboard to show the Sequencer Overlay.

2.  You can then use the select tool to click on a note so that it turns orange.

3.  Finally, you can use alt + shift + up and down arrows on keyboard to increase or decrease the velocity of the note.

The Sequencer Overlay is discussed in detail on page 3.15 of the Notion 6 User Guide.  The User Guide can be accessed from the Help menu in Notion 6.