Questions & Answers

Midi Import and Dropbox sync suddenly stopped working on my Notion IOS - any suggestions?

0 votes
asked May 11, 2017 in Notion iOS by michaelbryant4 (170 points)


Are either of these a known problem?

  • MIDI Import stops working with Notion IOS 
  • Dropbox sync can see older files, but not newer files when importing into Notion IOS

Re: MIDI problem: I have deleted and reinstalled Notion on my IPad Air, but I cannot import MIDI from created in any programs.

Re: Dropbox sync problem:  I can see older files created as recently as one month ago (April 2017), but newer files uploaded to the same Dropbox folder ( Apps / Notion Mobile) are visible and I therefore can't import them into Notion.

Thanks for any help with either of these two issues. 

I have logged this officially with PreSonus about four days ago Ticket #377760, but no response yet.



2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 17, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer
Thanks for all of your patience.  This issue has been logged with our development team and should be resolved soon in an update.  In the meantime, you can sync Notion for iOS with DropBox via the "Import" tab on the Home screen of the app.  You can then place your files in the Apps>Notion Mobile folder in DropBox.  Finally, you can import the files through the "Import" button on the Home screen of the app.
0 votes
answered Jun 7, 2017 by ChrisS23 (13,770 points)
Hi Mike
this is now fixed and is included in the update 2.0.183 which hit the App Store today (7th June)