Questions & Answers

Configure Studio One and Roland SPD-SX as a midi controller

0 votes
asked May 18, 2017 in Studio One 3 by CraigKennedy (250 points)
edited May 23, 2017 by CraigKennedy
I'd like to use a Roland SPD-SX via USB in Studio One v3 to play some sounds as well as make program changes (rec, stop, start, change guitar tone on another channel, turn on and off vocal effects, etc).  I am able to configure two keyboards for midi (playing notes), but nothing is coming through with the SPD-SX.  I have downloaded the driver and am able to send files back and forth to the unit using another program, but Studio One is unresponsive to the unit.

I have tried making a new keyboard under the midi selection in Studio One, but after selecting the appropriate midi Receive From Port, nothing changes.  The SPD-SX still doesn't communicate with Studio One.

MacBook Pro

macOS Sierra v10.12.1

Studio One Professional v3.3.4.41933

Firestudio mobile, 2 Firestudio Projects

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 19, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)

To use the the Pads to trigger sounds in Studio One, you also need to create a New Keyboard with the MIDI Receive From port set to the port the SPD-SX is connected to. 

+1 vote
answered Aug 4, 2017 by gabrielalexander1 (160 points)
There is one other thing you must do, if you havent already.  When connecting a USB to the SPD-SX, the default setting is "wave manager".

make sure you go into setting and change it to Audio/MIDI. Otherwise, the Roland will think you want to use the Wave Manager when connecting to the USB input. Here is the sequence:

MENU---to----SETUP---to---OPTION---   the 3rd line should be the USB option, make sure you change from "wave manager" to "audio/MIDI"

Hope that does it.....
