Questions & Answers

Sidechaining Morphoder(vocoder) in Studio one 3.5?

+2 votes
asked May 26, 2017 in Studio One 3 by adrianrojas (260 points)
I'm a new to the vocoder effect, i have just downloaded the demo of Waves Morphoder and i was trying to route it like in this video " but i couldn't get it to work here in Studio One 3.5. What i do is make a new audio track and copy the vocals in that track. I make a new midi track and put the Morphoder on the inserts. Then on the morphoder i set it to sidechain both in the plugin and at the top. Then i copy the midi information from a random midi track and paste it on the midi track whenever the vocal is playing. Last i go to the audio track and set the output to "sidechain on the morphoder in the midi track". i press play and nothing happens. I know i must be something im missing but i just cannot figure out this routing stuff. How do you guys do it here in Studio One 3.5?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 7, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer
Here is a general guide to Side Chaining in Studio One:

We also encourage you to create a thread about this on the Presonus user forum. This will allow for longer ongoing back and forth discussions about this and more points of view as to possible different approaches or workflows for side chaining with the Morphorder plug-in.
0 votes
answered May 13, 2020 by sofoiatropoulo (180 points)
the answer is simple... things do not work well with presonus.. they are always having problems with everything with the world around them . nice daw .. but when you try to use something you got... ..  then you always run into problems... keybords.. vsts... everything i have experienced....    this daw was made with rock and roll in mind.. just listen to the vocal samples that come with studio one 3 proff. and you will laugh for a long time..    sidechain is just not compatible with st 3
0 votes
answered May 13, 2020 by sofoiatropoulo (180 points)
it will work with anything else but st 3 ... shame ..isnt it?  sane goes with controlers and stuff... all daws work exept st 1 even to use complite from NI you would have problems... also the answers..