Questions & Answers

Is there a Presonus 1818VSL " monitor mixer" in Universal Control 2.1 - PC?

0 votes
asked Jun 14, 2017 in Legacy Interfaces by gelinas666 (150 points)

I've downloaded Universal Control 2.1 - PC and I can't get the Monitor Mixer.. I've clicked on the picture of the 1818VSL but nothing.. Doesn't exist? I've had to reload AudioBox 1818VSL v1.3 - PC again and delete the Universal Controller .. Will there be an update for it so we can use the Monitor Mix on Universal Controller with the VSL1818?

Thanks MArk

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 15, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,270 points)
Best answer
There is no monitor mixer software in the control panel for Universal Control 1.8 or later that support AudioBox VSL series interfaces.

You will need to set this up in your DAW. We have instructions on how to do this with Studio One, if you're on another DAW you'll need to set this up on your own.
0 votes
answered Feb 15, 2021 by creynolds2 (220 points)
Im having this issue currently and I run Pro Tools - I had the old software and "upgraded" to universal control today. HORRIBLE! - nothing works. No sound in the headphones. You say you need set this up in your DAW....There nothing to set up. I have all the right settings in Pro Tools and no sound in the headphones.