Questions & Answers

Using Universal Control 3.1.2 and Universal Surface with StudioLive 32R rack mixer tutorials

0 votes
asked Jan 8, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by cyrral (160 points)
I've just purchased a StudioLive 32R rack mixer.  Are there tutorials available that steps one through the configuration and application for typical live and/or recording sessions?  I'm somewhat familiar with using wireless systems, such as Soundcraft UI and ********* X32, but was hoping to get some assistance to quickly ramp up on the StudioLive rack mixer configuration, setup and usage.  Looking forward to getting maximum performance out of the new rack mixer.  Thanks for any assistance and/or direction.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jan 8, 2020 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)

It's a good goal to get "maximum performance" out of a new mixer, but I doubt that you will find the perfect guidance. There is a lot of help available and first and foremost there are two manuals, which you can find on the download page of the 32R (PreSonus web site -> Support -> Downloads -> StudioLive 32R). The manuals are




The UC Surface manual probably is the more important one, because it deals with the "how to". Everything is getting decribed and explained and it's really written well and precise. Additionally there are 68 videos availabe for "Series III" in the PreSonus web site. There are several tutorial videos among them. Have a look:

You can also find videos in your PreSonus account on the registered hardware page. When it comes to multitrack recording, try Capture first, not Studio One. Capture is also used for the stereo SD card recorder. Understanding Capture is a good start to understand Studio One, because Capture is a "light" version of Studio One, specialized on recording and playing back tracks.


Good luck!
