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Automation and Others Bugs (bug report)

+3 votes
asked Jul 1, 2017 in Studio One 3 by rsay (190 points)
edited Jul 1, 2017 by rsay

Hi guys

At first sorry for my english (Because I used the Google translation)
I used FL Stusio (from 8 to 12 versions) and Cubase (from 5 to 8 versions),
but decided to try something new for myself I chose Studio One and did not lose

I mastered Studio One for the day, I was at first upset, since the navigation was very different from all the other DAWs that I used earlier (take at least moving the middle mouse button (hand tool)), but later I found "Studio One X utility", which allows you to navigate using the middle mouse button and now it's my favorite DAW

For more than half a year, Studio One has replaced both programs at once.
I'm very glad that I found DAW, where I have everything I need, but like any program it is not perfect, so I would like to see in the next updates fixing some flaws (especially automation)

•Intermittent Automation Recording
•Selective cancellation when copying automation
•When copying and moving, not all automation moves
•Bugs when applying automation
•Errors when writing from the QWERTY keyboard
•Failures on the Send Channel

On the link you will find an archive with animation of some flaws, which I wrote down in the form of *.gif files
And also text files with descriptions to them


Description from txt files:

01 - Writing Track Automation with MIDI Keyboard.gif

Part 1 (Repeated 3 times with different audio driver settings):
Bugs in recording automation track depending on the audio driver settings
and the strange behavior of the command undo

Part 2:
When recording automation within a clip,
the audio driver settings are practically unaffected

02 - Writing Track Automation with MIDI Keyboard.gif

Part 1:
Here you can see that just move the controllers on the midi keyboard,
then nothing unusual happens

Part 2:
The effect occurs only when recording automation

Part 2:
At the same time,
if you record the automation by moving the faders into the Studio One
Too, nothing is happening

Not Cancel - Not Move.gif

Part 1:
If I duplicate the tracks with automation ("Duplicate", D),
then when canceling ("Undo", Ctrl+Z) automation is not canceled

Part 2:
If I duplicate tracks with automation ("Duplicate", D),
and start moving them, then some automation points on some tracks do not move

01 - Duplicate-Copy-Undo-Redo.gif

Part 1:
After duplicating the track,
duplication and automation are duplicated,
and after canceling the last action, automation is NOT deleted

Part 2:
After duplicating the track,
duplication and automation are duplicated,
and after canceling the last action, automation is deleted

I can not trace the pattern and understand why
You might think that this is due to the fact that in the first case I duplicated using a hotkey, and in the second case, using drag and drop but
Many times experimented with this project and always reacts differently

02 - Duplicate-Copy-Undo-Redo.gif

When duplicating and canceling strange things happen
And as a result, a bunch of additional cross-cut lines

Automation Record.gif

I do not know for sure, it may be necessary, but when you press the "record" key
(whether the recording of the automation track is selected or not),
the recording is done inside the clip

Transform to Audio Track - Send.gif

When I transform the midi track into an audio track ("Transform to Audio Track")
And then back to transform the audio into midi, ("Taransform to Instrument Track")
Then nothing terrible happens

But if I transform the midi track into an audio track ("Transform to Audio Track")
And then cancel the action (CTRL + Z), I lose the send on reverb

Midi Latency Compensation.gif

Bug when recording from the QWERTY keyboard, which occurs when changing the value Midi Latency Compensation (other than 0)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 13, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer
Thank you for all of your feedback.  Your findings have been forwarded over to our development team for analysis.  Should some or all of these issues be identified as bugs, they will be listed in the release notes of future builds if resolved.  Please make sure that you are updated to version 3.5.1.  Also, please try removing your settings files and re-configuring for general troubleshooting.

1.  Go to Help>Open Settings folder.

2.  Copy the contents of the folder over to a folder on your desktop.

3.  Close S1 and delete the contents of the settings folder with the exception of the user.license file as well as the "Extensions" folder.

4.  Open S1 and go to Studio One>Options (Preferences on a Mac) to reconfigure your settings.

5.  Test to see if the problem is resolved.  If it is not, please feel free to copy your settings files back over from the backup that you created in step 2.  

*If you are missing presets or Sound Sets after doing this, simply double-click one of your Sound Sets under Documents>Studio One>Sound Sets.