Questions & Answers

Antivirus software caused problem

0 votes
asked Jul 23, 2017 in Studio One 3 by elliekamphuis (220 points)
Hey I had Presonus contact me and it had something to do with my McAffree antivirus software. Once I unistalled it and booted up Studio One it was working. They mentioned this was a problem with focusrite gear. It may be worth trying out. I couldn't find any answers like this when I was trying to fix it so I hope this helps you too.
related to an answer for: No signal in Studio One Artist

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 6, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,570 points)
Best answer
We contacted McAfee about this issue and they have since resolved our software as not a virus threat.

We also reach out to AVG for the same issue and they too have since resolved this issue with our software.
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answered Jul 24, 2017 by jameshoward (830 points)
You are better off running any recording software offline with antivirus programs turned off. Yes they can affect you in a number of ways.
     They can slow down your processes, interfere with your installations, and even corrupt your installations. If you have 2 computers, use one for strictly recording. If not, set up a new user labeled recording and install all of your music software there, keeping your internet and antivirus switched off except when downloading updates and new software. Remember to download only from companies that you're familiar with.
0 votes
answered Dec 24, 2019 by victoriadalton (140 points)

I will recommend you to use Avast antivirus. As it is one of the best antiviruses one could ever have. I personally use it and it never fails to disappoint me. Moreover, it has an added feature that is avast bank mode, which safeguards while doing online transactions. So to get rid of all this issue try using it.

0 votes
answered Jul 10, 2020 by sheridobbins (180 points)

With McAfee at least, you don't have to turn off Real-time Scanning, but there is an option to 'Exclude Files' from the scan.
