Questions & Answers

My recordings are coming out in the left side only, how do i fix this?

0 votes
asked Jan 11, 2016 in AudioBox USB by johannahampton (130 points)
Driver Version:

App version: Audiobox VSL 1.3.5653

Firmware: 1.25

Studio One Artist:

OS Name    Microsoft Windows 10 Home
Version    10.0.10586 Build 10586
System Manufacturer    Hewlett-Packard
System Model    p2-1343w
System Type    x64-based PC
Installed Physical Memory (RAM)    6.00 GB

Hi and thanks for helping. I believe i have everything setup correctly on my system. I do get to record, but when i do record, it's only in the left (or right) side. This is happening in all my DAW's but for this issue i'm only concerned with Studio One. How do i fix this? Thank you!

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jan 11, 2016 by matthewgorman (52,060 points)
When you set up a new song, use the template that exists for your device in studio one. Within that template, inputs 1 and 2 are configured 2 ways. They are configured as a stereo pair, and show up as input l and r, and then set up as mono inputs 1 and 2.

You want to record as a mono track so you can pan the channel in the stereo field. When you add a new track to the song, select mono for the track type, then select input 1 (not l or r) as the input for that track.