Questions & Answers

Upgraded to Studio 3. Followed installation instructions and the audio device isn't recognized. How do I fix this?

+1 vote
asked Nov 25, 2015 in Studio One 3 by gobell studio (160 points)
I receive the message that "The audio device Audio Box could not be initialized. Please check your hardware configuration and try again."

I followed the installation instructions and the installation seems to have been successful.

My projects will play back on the computer's speakers when I select "Window's Audio" but the Audio Box is not recognized.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Nov 25, 2015 by matthewgorman (52,060 points)
The AB is port specific, so you need to install it with one USB jack, and keep it on that jack. Make sure the unit is connected and powered on before starting S1. If you can see it in S1 to select, then the install should have been ok, then its a matter of the PC being able to see it. That is where the first part comes in.


Can you see it in device manager on the pc?
0 votes
answered Jun 18, 2017 by aaronjackson7 (160 points)
When this happened to me, I uninstalled Universal Control, then reinstalled the updated version, and that worked like a charm.