Questions & Answers

Updated Universal Control but still can't change permissions / assign aux monitor channels for Qmix / SL Remote devices

+2 votes
asked Aug 13, 2017 in UC Surface / Qmix by danmccarlson (210 points)

Last week we ran in the issue where remote devices that had updated to the newest version of Qmix or SL Remote were not showing up in the Remote Device section in the Setup tab of the VSL in the Universal Control software. Subsequently, we were not able to grant permissions or assign aux monitor channels for these remote devices. The only exception is for any remote devices that have not updated to the more recent versions of Qmix or SL Remote apps. See here:

But now, having updated to the most recent version of Universal Control ( for our StudioLive 24.4.2 board, we still are experiencing the same problem. Devices with the new Qmix and SL Remote won't appear in Remote Device section and can't be assigned or given permissions.

The strange thing is that we know these devices are able to connect to the Universal Control VSL system because when we open Qmix, we can see the level meters spike on the screens whenever sound goes through a mic or instrument channel, but we are unable to control the various volume levels to do monitor mixes for each aux channel.

(Note: Also strange, at least to me, when I downloaded and installed Universal Control, I notice that the filename is PreSonus_Universal_Control_v1_7_5_5 but the file version embedded in the file is and when I look in the Programs section of the Control Panel, it shows up as version 1.7.5)

What are we missing here?


PreSonus StudioLive 24.4.2 (Firmware: 1.0 Build 195)

Universal Control (Driver:    5798)

Windows 7 Home Premium SP1, 64-bit, on a Sony Vaio Laptop

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Aug 14, 2017 by jspring (10,770 points)
Best answer

Qmix and SL Remote were updated initially for iOS 11 64bit compatibility. This broke permissions. They were subsequently updated again, and that fix is what required an updated Universal Control in addition to the updated iOS apps.

It sounds like you may have done the first iOS updates, then updated Universal Control, but have not yet done the latest iOS updates?

You'll need the latest versions of everything in order for it to all be compatible and work correctly

Qmix 1.4.5848

SL Remote 1.6.5848

Universal Control PC / Mac

Also strange, at least to me, when I downloaded and installed Universal Control, I notice that the filename is PreSonus_Universal_Control_v1_7_5_5 but the file version embedded in the file is and when I look in the Programs section of the Control Panel, it shows up as version 1.7.5

This is simply a mistake in the way the installer is reporting version.

Installed, Universal Control (i.e. should look like this:


If you have Universal Control showing Driver:  5798, then you have the old Universal Control 1.7.5 installed still, rather than

0 votes
answered Sep 13, 2017 by daverlee (610 points)
The same thing happened to us. We have 5 older ipod touches that can still connect and remember their permissions, but they don't show up in the remote devices window to have their permissions changed. I cannot update them to the latest qmix because it requires iOS 8.

So then, if I downgrade universal control to 1.7.3 and keep the older qmix, why does it still not show up?