Questions & Answers

Is there a pdf of Reverb Room deep edit information?

0 votes
asked Aug 19, 2017 in Studio One 3 by glenchaddock (200 points)
I'd like to know exactly what is being done when I change the parameters for any of the controls in Reverbs room. I've noticed changing one parameter/fader affects the others.

1 Answer

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answered Aug 21, 2017 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)
Best answer

Hi Glen,

The information below is from the reference manual section Built-In Effects Reverb > Room Reverb.  Of course, some of the parameters are related.  For example, changing the Room Size will also change the Reverb length. etc.


Room Reverb is a room simulator reverb that adjusts its internal reverb parameters based on virtual-room models. It is meant for use as a send effect or as a Main Output Channel effect. Room Reverb features variable room parameters and geometry, selectable room models, and population, damping, and surface-smoothness controls.

Room Reverb provides the following parameters:

  • Display Displays the overall reverb characteristics across a self-adjusting time scale. Early reflections are represented by vertical lines, and the reverb tail is represented by a colored envelope.
  • Pre Adjusts the offset for room-derived natural predelay amount. Variable from 0 ms to a higher value determined by current Room settings.
  • Length Adjusts the offset for room-derived natural reverb tail length. Value range is variable based on current Room settings.
  • Room
    • Size Adjusts the geometric average of the width, depth, and height of the virtual-room model. Variable from 1 m to 20 m.
    • Width Adjusts the width relative to size. Variable from 0.1 to 2.
    • Height Adjusts the height relative to size. Variable from 0.1 to 1.
  • Geometry
    • Dist Adjusts the relative distance between the source and the listener position within the virtual room. Variable from 0.1 to 1.
    • Asy Adjusts the left and right asymmetry between the source and the listener position. Variable from -1 (listener position far right) to 1 (listener position far left).
    • Plane Adjusts the relative height of the stereo source and listener position within the virtual room. Variable from 0 (half the height of the room) to 1 (ceiling).
  • Room Model Select a synthetic reverb model: Small Room, Room, Medium Hall, and Large Hall.
    • W, D, H Display Displays approximate room dimensions based on current Room settings.
  • Character
    • Population Adjusts the relative population of people in the virtual room. Variable from 0 to 1.
      • Value of 0 results in enhanced bass, “static” tail.
      • Value of 1 results in attenuated bass, “moving” tail.
    • Dampness Adjusts the relative humidity of the air in the room. This has the effect of attenuating the upper frequencies of the reverberated signal. Variable from 0 to 1.
    • Reflexivity Adjusts the relative smoothness of the surfaces of the virtual room. Variable from 0 to 1. Higher values evoke a more echo-like reverb tail.
  • Reverb Mix Adjust the mix of the reverb tail and early reflections. Variable from 0 to 1. Reverb display is updated to indicate this mix.
  • Dry/Wet Mix Adjust the mix of the Room Reverb signal with the original dry signal. Variable from 0 to 100%.
  • Perform/Quality Quality mode is selected by default. Engage Perform mode (economy performance mode) to use fewer CPU resources by disabling floor and ceiling reflections and reducing the calculation accuracy for the reverberation.