Questions & Answers

Is there not a Gated Reverb setting on any of the built in reverb units?

+3 votes
asked Feb 6, 2019 in StudioLive Series III by davephillips4 (1,020 points)
Is there not a Gated Reverb option on any of the built in reverb units?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 13, 2019 by jonnydoyle (403,720 points)
Best answer
There is no Gated Reverb.

If you would like to make a feature request for the StudioLive to be added in a future release, we have a forum section specifically for Feature Requests. This is the area for such suggestions and is monitored by the development team.

–2 votes
answered Feb 9, 2019 by elliottsebag (7,650 points)
Hey there,

Not sure that you'll find a gated reverb in one device. But if you just :

- add a gate before your reverb in the FX inserts
- Sidechain a signal to trigger your gate (signal that you send in pre fader and then put the fader of the track all down)
- You should now have a gated reverb :)

Hope this might help
0 votes
answered Feb 10, 2019 by davephillips4 (1,020 points)
I know how make a gated reverb and plenty of devices across the industry include a Gated setting - but the SL32 doesn't, and the FX return  channel doesn't include a gate. Your replies seem to assume I'm trying to do this in Studio One. My feature request is catagorized in StudioLine Series III.