Questions & Answers

How do I remove the Room Reverb effect from my vocal track?

0 votes
asked May 17, 2016 in Studio One 3 by johnstafford2 (120 points)
edited May 18, 2016 by johnstafford2
Studio One Artist, Audiobox USB, White Box Computer, Windows 10

I want to record raw vocals for voice-over use. The "Room Reverb" effect starts by default and I can't find a way to remove this effect from the panel.

I'm referring to the panel on Studio One. I may be using the wrong term since I am new to the software. I've checked the manual and can't find any info on how to set up a song (voice recording) with no pre-set effects. I'm mostly interested in using this DAW because of the ability to punch and roll in long form narration.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 18, 2016 by philangus (10,160 points)
Are you referring to the panel in Studio One or the panel for the AudioBox?